Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Writing to Speak Better

It is well known that English nowadays play an important role in our daily life. The need for adequate communication, requirements of modern life, and the high standards established by many companies or institutions make it imperative to recognize the importance of mastering a second language.
This blog is designed to provide students with the necessary tools to improve their writing skills as a means to develop their speaking abilities.

Be ready to complete all the posted assignments as part of the requirements for the Intermediate Conversational Course!

Identify your post properly!

Assignment 1:
Learning English has become a necessity nowadays. In your words, provide three examples on how improving your English has helped you in your personal and professional life. Be sure to use correct word order, grammar, and punctuation! 

Assignment 2:

Family is what defines us as human beings. Explain how your family has helped you achieve your goals in a three-sentence paragraph. 
Be sure to use correct word order, grammar, and punctuation! Identify your assignment as #2.

Assignment 3:

Every human being is unique! If you could describe yourself in 3 words, what will they be? Write a sentence for each word and why it relates to you. 
Identify as Assignment #3.

Assignment 4:

Society is being affected by many social problems! 
Choose one social problem and explain how it has affected or is affecting you! Be careful with personal details!
Identify as Assignment #4.


  1. Víctor:
    It help me to understand better the rules to write english correctly.
    In my job, I had the opportunity to speak with my teammates.
    This course allow me to practice my english everyday.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. In my professional life the language english allow me, exchange the information with my coworker, suppliers, and new projects.
    Also give me more confidence in my speaking.
    And the personal way, I feel very good talk to English words or sentences, create questions or answer in english.
    By: Jovan Nuñez

  4. In my actual job I don't need English very much.
    I know the English is necessary in a professional way and in personal life.
    I now understand a little bit more English but I still need more practice with it.
    Now I can travel to the United States and understand a little bit more the people and I wont feel lost.
    By: Idelisa Gonzalez

  5. Day
    For me the conversational English course has helped me in some many ways in my personal area, since i been taken this course I feel more secure for trying to speak it, I learn a new vocabulary and some grammar rules. Another thing that im glad to be in this class is because i meet excelent people who has the same goal like me, learn a second language like engligh

  6. This course helps me to feel more confident when I speak with my patients that come from the United States. Also I have to call to the US and speak with other supervisors and I could understand them. Today I had the experience to be evaluated from my supervisor talking with a patient that came form Colorado and I could communicate well. Also I know that I need to learn more about this language each day.
    By Johannie Gonzalez

  7. This course help me expand my vocabulary. Also feel more confident and comfortable when I speak with someone that only speak English. Another important thing is help me to write my reports using the correct rules to make complete sentences.
    By Efrain Soto.

  8. This course help me to practice English, also lose fear to speak. On my vacation trip,this course helped me to communicate with people that does not speak Spanish. Professionally it will open doors for new jobs opportunities.
    By: Oneida Acevedo

  9. In my personal life, improving my English help me when I study with my son. Because all educational materials of my son are in English.

    On the other hand, in my professional field, I had the experience of doing a job interview entirely in English.

    Also, in both, personal and professional life, improving my English help me when I need to write a good email or message to a person that only speaks English.

  10. The english language helps me to understand students with difficulty in the espanish language. Also to read news and books in English. I have to learn still more. I'm going to practice to speak well.

  11. Right now, I'm Learning to lost the fear,when I need to speak English.In my work,I have to make phone calls to differents health insurances,to solve patients issues. My goal is keep a conversation with other person speaking English.
    By:Yarlin Mendez

  12. Using the English language at my work has helped me communicating with my clients. I had been able to present and defend my work. I also had been able to go on vacations to the United Sates and communicate with everybody no problem.

  13. English helped me to communicate with my coworkers and my suppliers around the world. It helps me to develop my career to another level and to be more successful. Also, in the personal life English helps me to have better experiences each time I travel out of the island.

  14. In work english is important because sometimes I need to talk to people in english. In personal life its important because if you go to U.S.A. or to another place you need to talk to people.It's necessary because all program terms are in English in my work.
    By: Ligia Vale

  15. Damaris Montalvo.

    Improving my english has helped me to involve myself in my sons homework with much better knowledge. At my job it has helped me understand and have a converstation with others. I can also write letter or memos in english with more confidence.

  16. My family has been the key in the way to achieve my goals. They support me and understand all the sacrifices that I have to do. When my strenght fades they cheer me up and make me remember that I can do it everything that I start, they are always there for me. My family is what keep me working and fighting for achieve my goals. They are my motor, my everything.

    Victor Muñiz

  17. Assignment as # 2
    My family has been the key in the way to achieve my goals. They support me and understand all the sacrifices that I have to do. When my strenght fades they cheer me up and make me remember that I can do it everything that I start, they are always there for me. My family is what keep me working and fighting for achieve my goals. They are my motor, my everything.

    Victor Muñiz

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. My family is the main reason that I never give up on my dreams. My parents made a lot of sacrifices to help me to achieve my professional goals. Also, they gave me the confidence, love and trust necessary to deal with the obstacles of life.

  20. Assignment 2:

    In the first place, my family has given me the support and motivation to move forward. Second, is to given them a better quality of life, that I do not surrender. Finally, my family has helped me when I needed money to achieve academic goals.

  21. My family is my strength, my support and my north. My achievements owe to them to be present and give me their support. Always regardless of my decisions and my results they never stopped supporting me.
    assignment #2
    Efrain Soto

  22. My family is my everything. They are my energy , which motivate me to move forward. They are my strength , my light , my nights. My family is my life.
    Assignment #2
    Yarlin Mendez

  23. My family is my energy and motivation to achievement in my academic goal. They are important part and each the support in my life. My reason in my life is my family and thanks a God each day for blessing to have them with me.

  24. My family is the way to achieve all my dreams, my goals and is the force to walk day to day. My daughter is the most important person in my life, she is small but it is pure love. I love to share quality time with my husband and my daughter, this moments are all for me. By: Ligia Vale

  25. Since I was a child my family had teach me good manners and moral, how to be a better person each day, how to treat others like how I would like to be treated and the most important thing how to give the best me for others. Every one of them had contributed in way or another. I had been able to apply all this knowledge through my entire life thanks to all of them.

  26. My family helps me achieve my goals with your motivation. I have borrowed the time that belongs to them. They help me when I need them. My family is special and I love them.

  27. My family is very important to me. They were my support in my Internship when I was studying. They helped me to be the woman that I’m in this moment. Thanks God for my family.
    Johannie Gonzalez

  28. Thanks God first for allow me born. Grow up in what is my family. My family formed me with a value and courage, I was allowed take decision for learn, to making in order to develop a human being productive to society. The unconditional support and motivation to achieve my goals is something that does no compare to any known outside of my family. My Family is my family. By: Jovan Nuñez

  29. My family supports me in my goals by maintaining positive attitudes. My parents tought me to never give up under any circumstance. They tought me also to be perseverant and to trust God to be always the intermediate of the goals i propose to achieve.

  30. Excellent comments. Family definitely is what moves us in life!
    Dr. A. Acevedo

  31. Assignment #3


    Responsible - it's very important for me to fulfill my commitments, being punctual, to be able to achieve my goals. I accept my mistakes and try to correct it at the earliest.

    Positive - I always keep a positive attitude in everything I do also believing in myself, if an opportunity arises I take it and I get the biggest advantage. I am always open to changes.

    Persistent - I consider myself as person with dreams to fullfill, I never surrender to be able to achieve my goals and objectives. If at some time I fall, I get up and continue to achieve the success I seek.

    1. Assignment #3
      I always demonstrate the ability to meet danger and difficulties situations with firmness.

      I put all my strength redirecting my efforts  to achieve a particular goal.

      I always thank God for our life, for all that we have, for my family, for the courage to fight and focus to achieve our goals.

      Efrain Soto

  32. Assignment #3

    1. Simple-Neither the professional title or profession distinguishes one person. What really distinguishes me are my values and beliefs.
    2. Loyal-I am a loyal and committed person who always keep what I promised.
    3. Persistent-No matter how many doors have closed me, I do not give up and keep trying to achieve my goal.

  33. responsable: It's one of the most important thing that my parents teached me.

    respectful: If I want that other respect me I have to respect them.

    independent: I like to make my on things. Without depending to others.
    Johannie Gonzalez

  34. Assigment #3

    Unstoppable- I fight with every obstacle in my life, for that reason I consider me unstoppable.

    Yarlin Mendez

    Strong- I'm strong because if I'm unstoppable I need to use my strength to fight for my goals.

    Dedicate- It's my best quality because always I give all of me to my family specially to my kids.

  35. Assignment #3
    Optimist- I always think that you can achieve everything.
    Friendly- I bring my faithful friendship to those one that really deserve it.
    Kind- Since I was kid I enjoy a lot helping others, for me is like feeding my soul.

  36. Assignment #3

    responsible: I consider myself a responsible person because I like to do my job well.

    respectful: Respect for others is vital and is a beautiful quality.

    ingenious: I love making inventions with my daughter and I like to innovate.

    By:Ligia Vale

  37. Assignment #3

    Responsible: I am a responsible person in the professional and personal level.

    Organized:I am super organized in everything I do.

    Simple: I consider myself a simple person because the material or other things are more important to be happy with what God gave me.

    By:Idelisa Gonzalez

  38. Christian: I like have God in my life and everything I do.

    Honest: I like to do the right thing in personally and professionally.

    Independent: I depend on my effort to go forward.

    By: Oneida Acevedo

  39. One of the things that most affect our society today is envy(values), many prefer to take what is not theirs to work to earn it. several months ago, I went through a situation in which I feared for my life. Nowadays many people not respect your sacrifice just to get what they want.
    Assignment #4
    Efrain Soto

  40. Assignment #4:

    One of the social problems that is affecting me is the unemployment. Since I was in the university, I always worked. I was an independent person.

    The way that unemployment is affecting me is that I feeling frustrated, anxious, depression, and most of the days I wake up without a goal, without a purpose. Also, being unemployment causes other economics problems.

    That's why I always say that no matter what job you do, be thankful that you have it.


    Mariely Galarza Jiménez
    The unemployed Doctor

  41. Assignment #4
    There are so many social problems and all are in some important way for the society in which we live. The economy is a vital issue since this involves several that affect us both.

    By. Idelisa Gonzalez

  42. Assignment #4

    Society had being affected by many social problems, Economic Issues is one of them. The biggest social problem prevalent in our society is one boil out of economic disparity can create a lot of social inappropriateness and vices.
    The recent of economic issues is that of economic recession in the world at large. This Global recession has led to the cut of work- and it may even affect the per capital income, lack of job security and in the long run, children are deprived of education because their parents have no jobs anymore. The economic recession is heightened and people are migrating to other countries. This issue could as well lead to theft, fraud, migration and other social vices which bring about mayhem to our society. This social problem it has affected many families including mine my wife lost her job couple years ago because the company she work at that moment had to reduce the operations and had to let go many of their employees to reduce operational costs. This affects my family directly as it was a drop in revenue . But God has always been in control of our finances and supplied our needs.

    1. Assignment #4
      Victor Muñiz
      Society had being affected by many social problems, Economic Issues is one of them. The biggest social problem prevalent in our society is one boil out of economic disparity can create a lot of social inappropriateness and vices.
      The recent of economic issues is that of economic recession in the world at large. This Global recession has led to the cut of work- and it may even affect the per capital income, lack of job security and in the long run, children are deprived of education because their parents have no jobs anymore. The economic recession is heightened and people are migrating to other countries. This issue could as well lead to theft, fraud, migration and other social vices which bring about mayhem to our society. This social problem it has affected many families including mine my wife lost her job couple years ago because the company she work at that moment had to reduce the operations and had to let go many of their employees to reduce operational costs. This affects my family directly as it was a drop in revenue . But God has always been in control of our finances and supplied our needs.

  43. Assignment # 4:

    Society is being affected by many social problems; pollution is one of them. More and more people burning, littering and destroying the environment. We need to create awareness that the ozone layer is increasingly affected. Also the air circulating around us is heavily polluted by so many people that suffer from asthma, eye irritation, among others. We learn to value our environment that is all we have left.

    By: Ligia Vale

  44. Bullying is one of the biggest problems in our society right now. Bullying is affecting kids and their mental health. The people who make the bully never think about the mental damage that those kids are having. Its makes they feel insecure and less than other kids. My family and I was affected by this situation directly. To avoid this we need to reinforce the communications and the values in our families.

  45. Another problem that affects society , is the need to love , when you love , forgive which is another problem in society unforgiveness , and here grows the percentage of envy, bulliying , the environmental destruction , theft , murder , loneliness, hunger and many others that the base is the lack of love.
    Love should be an obligation.

    by: Jovan Nuñez

  46. Tolerance. I work with different kind of people. I have seen that the people have little tolerance towards others. We have to be peaceful for each other.

  47. Unemployment is one of the most social problem that affect our country. I have been affected because I was victim of assault. These problem affect us as before, during and after as many ways such as: anxiety, nervious, etc.. Change your life turn it fearless and unsecure an all time.I do not justified the assault  but many people do for nesecity while others just want the easy way.
    Assignment #4
    By Yarlin Mendez

  48. Assignment #3.

    I consider myself a responsible person. I always like to get my work done on time and I always communicate any issue, roadblock or circumstance that can prevent me to do my job. I am a perseverant person. If I want something I will try every way to get it. If you do not care for it, who would will? Last I am an honest person. I always like to speak with the truth. I want other people to be the same with me. Sometimes speaking with lies could lead you to trouble.

  49. Assignment #4

    Criticism. People like to criticize everything you do. I do not pay attention to people who do this but it is a pain. People who criticizes you in most cases is because the envy you. This is one of the Puerto Rico social problems. We should all try to help others instead of criticizing them.
