Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Writing to Speak Better

It is well known that English nowadays play an important role in our daily life. The need for adequate communication, requirements of modern life, and the high standards established by many companies or institutions make it imperative to recognize the importance of mastering a second language.
This blog is designed to provide students with the necessary tools to improve their writing skills as a means to develop their speaking abilities.

Be ready to complete all the posted assignments as part of the requirements for the Intermediate Conversational Course!

Identify your post properly!

Assignment 1:
Learning English has become a necessity nowadays. In your words, provide three examples on how improving your English has helped you in your personal and professional life. Be sure to use correct word order, grammar, and punctuation! 

Assignment 2:

Family is what defines us as human beings. Explain how your family has helped you achieve your goals in a three-sentence paragraph. 
Be sure to use correct word order, grammar, and punctuation! Identify your assignment as #2.

Assignment 3:

Every human being is unique! If you could describe yourself in 3 words, what will they be? Write a sentence for each word and why it relates to you. 
Identify as Assignment #3.

Assignment 4:

Society is being affected by many social problems! 
Choose one social problem and explain how it has affected or is affecting you! Be careful with personal details!
Identify as Assignment #4.